
First Nations Gifts has a zero tolerance policy towards the selling of fake art and inauthentic products. We encourage all our Vendor Sellers to identify, report and prevent the selling of goods that are not up to scratch!

We believe that all products where ‘the creative direction and control’ is with a First Nations person or business it is an authentic product by a First Nations Business, even if there are other parties such as manufacturers and collaborators assisting in the production of the products. Products that fit the definition above that are likely suitable to be included on First Nations Gifts website.

If we receive a complaint about products vendors sell on First Nations Gifts, we will review the product in question and you will be requested to demonstrate it’s provenance.

If you are identified as selling fakes or questionable products (eg. Passing off products as something they are not) on First Nations Gifts, your products and store may be removed from the site.